Halloween is just around the corner, and having a few fun activities and crafts for students is a great way to enjoy the festivities without the usual candy and treats. Students can decorate a paper mask, create a creepy spider hat, host a tiny spider race, and more with just a few simple tools. Check out these 6 classroom friendly activities to get into the Halloween spirit.
Halloween Classroom Craft Projects
These fun craft ideas are easy to do in the classroom and will give each student a fun project to bring home and show their friends and family. What better way to spread the spooky fun? Read on and bring these activities to life in your classroom.
You’ll need:
- Yarn
- Construction paper
- Scissors
- Gluesticks or school glue
- Mask printouts
- Hole punch
- Markers/crayons/colored pencils
- Glitter/feathers/other decorative items
Create 2 or 3 different mask shapes for students to use as a base. Don’t have any ideas? That’s okay! Follow this link for inspiration or to find print-outs you can use for this activity.
The rest is easy and the potential for a mess is up to your discretion. Have students choose a mask and cut it out, following the lines to make holes for their eyes to peek through. With an adult’s help, have students punch a hole through each side of the mask and attach a piece of yarn to each end to make a headband.
Have students decorate the masks, and enjoy seeing their Halloween creations come to life.
Paper Pumpkins
You’ll need:
- Orange, black, green, white & brown construction paper
- Scissors
Give each student a large piece of orange construction paper, and have them do their best to draw the shape of, and then cut out a big pumpkin. Don’t worry if they aren’t perfect!
Using the brown and green paper, have students make a stem and a leaf for their pumpkin and glue it to the top. The rest of the design is up to them. Explain that a jack-o-lantern should have a mouth and eyes, and let the students take it from there. Each one is sure to be quite unique! Check out these examples from an inspirational blog post.
Make a Mummy
You’ll need:
- A photo of each student
- Plain white paper towel rolls
- Black construction paper
- Scissors
- Glue sticks or school glue
Before starting the activity, have a photo of each student (or use a polaroid camera to take one!). Also cut out a gingerbread-man-like shape from black paper for each student to use as the base for their mummy.
Have each student start by cutting out their face from the photo, and then glue it to the top of their black gingerbread-man-like shape. Then have them carefully cut thin strips of the paper towel to use as the mummy’s wrapping. One stripe at a time, have the students glue a strip of paper towel to their black paper person and then tear off the ends.
Make sure they leave their cute faces uncovered! If you want to see how these classroom craft mummies turn out, take a look at some examples here.
Halloween Party Game Activities
If you are interested in some amusing Halloween activities for a classroom party, try one of these out. The kids are sure to have a great time, and the themed activities are a great way to let out a little pent-up energy.
Windy Spider Race
You’ll need:
- Plastic spider rings/small plastic spiders
- Straws
- Tape
To prepare, create a starting line and finishing line on a smooth, flat surface. If you weren’t able to find tiny spider toys and got the spider rings, cut the bottom part off so that all you have is the spider.
Students line their spiders up on the starting line and use the straw to blow air, which moves the spider. The first student’s spider that crosses the finish line, wins. Any students who use their straw to purposely blow another student’s spider out of the way have to start from the finish line again. See more about this cute and clever game here.
Hoop the Hat
You’ll need:
- Cardboard
- Black and orange construction paper
- Plastic hoops
- Tape
Lay the cardboard flat and cut out five black circles. Then use other sheets of black paper to create cones. Glue or tape each cone to the center of a black circle to make witch hats. Glue or tape these hats to the cardboard.
Create a tossing line a few feet from the cardboard with the hats on top and have students toss the plastic rings with the goal of landing over one of the witch hats to win points. If you want to see a picture of this cute game board and other Halloween party ideas, follow this link.
Fluffballl Cauldron Toss
You’ll need:
- A bucket
- Fluffballs
- Tape
- Black Paint
Create one or several cauldrons by painting buckets black. Cut a cauldron shape out of the black paper and tape it to the front of the bucket so that it looks like a cauldron from the front, with the bucket in back.
Draw a tossing line a few feet from the cauldron(s) and have students toss fluffballs to try and make it into the cauldron(s).
More Halloween-Themed Games and Crafts
If you’d like to see more great ideas for Halloween games and projects, check out this other blog post! For a wide range of fun activity ideas and arts and crafts inspiration, explore our blog.
The post 6 Classroom Activities for a Halloween Party appeared first on Schoolyard Blog | Teacher Resources | School Specialty.