Studying classroom materials for retention or to perform well on a test starts with the right preparation tools and process. Learning study habits and test prep skills is all about using available tools to their full potential, and making positive choices along the way instead of cramming at the last minute. Check out these 5 ways to help students make the most out of study sessions:
5 Ways to Get the Most Out of a Study Session
Many students tell themselves that there’s no time to study because of homework and other time commitments. However, combining the use of time management tools and completing homework with a focus on retention can lead to more productive study sessions and better performance on tests. Lay out the following tips as a way to discuss efficient test prep in class:
Read More: Study Habits, Tips & Tricks
Plan out allotted time until test/assignment due date
Prioritizing assignments and making the most of available study time starts with using a planner. Important tools like these are important for both educators and students as they work hard to get the most out of their day. Setting goals, planning out study or homework time, and checking things off a to-do list are only a few reasons why planners are probably the most important tool in the study skills arsenal.
Schedule time to be used specifically for assignment/test prep
Be sure to highlight times in the schedule, or specific study sessions that are especially important for a particular assignment or upcoming test. Having this visual in a planner will help students to prepare beforehand (steps 3-5) and will ensure that important tasks are given the time they need.
Organize necessary materials – prep the work area
Preparing the study or work area before starting will help to keep productivity flowing. Gather the planner, any necessary reading or notes, pens, and pencils. The less time spent getting up to grab a forgotten item, the better chance of settling into the study session and truly absorbing the information.
Eat a snack before – water during
Studying or working on a task is made much more difficult with food on the brain. It’s best to plan ahead and have a healthy nutrient-rich snack before a study session (but not enough food to get sleepy). Also be sure to keep a glass or bottle of water nearby during the study session. Hydration and a nutritious snack will help the brain to focus and engage in more productive studying.
Break large assignments into smaller, manageable bites
Instead of planning to accomplish all the studying for an exam, or finishing an entire project in one session, break the task into smaller chunks and work on it over time. Manageable mini-tasks along the way will help to keep stress levels low, and reviewing for an exam is more effective if spread out. Cramming at the end is not only a poor use of time, but it is a poor time management habit to get into.
Teaching Students Test Preparation and Study Skills in Class
Students growing up in the 21st century will need time management skills, and studying and time management skills are a great step towards success in life. When it comes to teaching students about developing positive study habits, there are few better ways than by discussing time management in class. Using effective lesson plans and utilizing student planners are key to building study skills that will transfer into students upper-level education and professional lives.
Check out these downloadable lesson plans that work in cooperation with Premier student planners, and get your students on the road to being effective, productive students with the right skills to excel in life.
Download Study Skills & Test Prep Lesson Plans
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