March is the month for Read Across America, and many teachers take it as an opportunity to engage in and encourage reading in and out of the classroom. Keep reading to find ideas for a few themed classroom decorating ideas and gather the inspiration you need to make this a special event for your students.
Why Dr. Seuss and Read Across America?
Read Across Amercia is an annual reading motivation and awareness event that is held on March 2nd. This also happens to be the birthday of a celebrated children’s author, Dr. Seuss. Because Read Across America day is held on his birthday, many teachers create events and classroom decorations that are themed around Dr. Seuss’ creative books and characters.
Some of his most popular books include:
Dr. Seuss Classroom Decor for Read Across America
Looking for a way to bring the Dr. Seuss spirit into your classroom for Read Across America this March? Check out this collection of classroom decor pieces and bulletin board accessories you can use:
Read Across America Classroom Decoration Inspiration
Of course, there are lots of creative ways to decorate and celebrate for Read Across America. Check out these images of fun ways teachers have made this reading holiday a special event for their students:

Via: Pinterest

Via: Pinterest
More Reading & Literacy Inspiration
If you’re looking for more fun and inspirational ways to get your students excited about reading, check out the other blogs on our site. The Instruction and Intervention category is fully of ideas and information about the importance of reading and writing. Also be sure to stop by the online store to find lots of books, tools, and programs for your literacy and reading students.
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