Banishing Bullying
Introduction Bullying is a serious issue that can affect the well-being of the bully, bystander, and target. It can happen anywhere and anytime, even in the privacy of home, and includes physical,...
View ArticleStand Strong Against Bullying
Introduction Bullying peaks during the middle school years. It’s a time of dramatic physical, emotional, intellectual, and social change. Your teen is struggling to live up to his or her potential and...
View ArticleDeveloping Your Teen’s Character
Introduction Research shows that positive character traits help students thrive in school, and develop into happier and more successful adults. These traits, including respect, cooperation, honestly,...
View ArticleRespect and Roll-taking Lesson (Middle School)
Prep 6 cones (for boundaries) Whiteboard and markers (for T-Chart) 1 tossable per 3 students (football, foamball, Kooshball®, rubber animal, etc.) Music and player (optional) Set Create large (50X50...
View ArticleTeaching Social Skills (Grades 3-6)
Physical activity environments are natural settings for peer interaction and the development of social skills. By the very nature of game play or active participation, students discover how to work in...
View ArticleTeaching Social Skills (Grades K-2)
A goal of all physical activity providers is to create a physically and emotionally safe and supportive environment; one in which children learn and have opportunities to practice positive social...
View ArticleBuilding Your Child’s Character
Introduction Good character traits, such as respect, cooperation, and honesty, are arguably the most important things that children need to learn. These traits and others help students make good...
View ArticleInternet Safety for Teens
Introduction Now that your child is a teen you no longer have the same control over her or his activities that you had when your child was younger. You hope you’ve given your teenager the tools needed...
View ArticleWhat is Cyberbullying?
Cyberbullying is bullying that takes place using electronic technology. Electronic technology includes devices and equipment such as cell phones, computers, and tablets as well as communication tools...
View ArticleBullying Is the Top Attributing Factor to School Shootings
Despite being the number one attributing factor to school shootings according to the FBI, schools continue to spend far more on other security measures that do not address this cause. While bullying is...
View ArticleDestination Character – Respect
Teaching positive character traits helps students thrive in school, and develop into happier and more successful adults. Developing awareness of character traits and the role they play in determining...
View ArticleActivities to Celebrate Dr. Seuss’ Birthday
Dr. Seuss is one of the greatest authors of children’s books. His books not only keep children’s attention, but they also teach kids important life lessons. This is why every year teachers around the...
View ArticleGet Your Classroom Humming During “Music in Our Schools” Month
With all the focus on STEM and standardized testing these days, the arts can wind up taking a back seat in the curriculum. That’s why it’s more important than ever to celebrate “Music in Our Schools”...
View ArticleMaking St. Patrick’s Day Magical
March can be a long month, even if you’re lucky enough to have a long spring break at your school. It’s not quite winter and not quite spring, and it can feel like you’ve hit a wall of boredom right...
View ArticleIncorporate Poetry Into Your Lesson Plans
April is Poetry Month across the United States, presenting the perfect opportunity for educators to create fun and engaging lessons on poetry for their classrooms. Unfortunately, while many educators...
View ArticleKeeping Your Classroom Healthy Throughout Flu Season
Flu season is quickly approaching, and for many teachers, this brings along feelings of dread; after all, when you work with little ones, it can be difficult to keep the germ-spreading to a minimum....
View Article21st Century Tools for Success in the Classroom
This week (May 1-5) is the start of Education Week being celebrated by school boards Canada-wide, and is a time of the year for students, teachers and parents to honor teaching excellence and student...
View ArticleFrame and Hang Anchor Charts as Classroom Decor
Anchor charts are fun, useful, and can make a great way to color portions of the wall in your classroom. While you can have them all on a large easel and flip to the applicable chart when you need it,...
View Article6 Creative Ways to Use Caddies in Your Classroom
Storage and organization is something we all consider when purchasing supplies for a new school year. Keeping supplies clean, unbroken, and in their proper place might not always be possible, but...
View ArticleBack to School Themed Whiteboard Quotes
Students are filing into your fully prepared classroom brimming with inspiration and fresh school supplies. These back to school whiteboard quotes make for an inspirational and even comical start to...
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